Before I start, I have to apologize to my family and friends who read this for not updating sooner. However, since you all know (in general) what's going on in our life, I'm sure you understand :)
Anyway, since our last post we celebrated the holidays in the best way: surrounded by family. Thanksgiving was spent (as always) at our house with mine and Kyle's family getting together to eat good food, visit with each other, and of course watch some Packer football. My mom, Danielle (Tor's girlfriend), and I went Black Friday shopping again. Or maybe I should say Black Thursday shopping. Honestly, if retailers want to do that whole thing again, I have to say, we probably won't participate. All I have to say is that when stores open up super early ,you get dedicated shoppers and parents looking for good deals on kids presents. Unfortunately, when stores open only a few hours after Thanksgiving dinner,, you get a lot of scary drunk people who have no problems throwing elbows at a pregnant woman. Not a fun experience this year...just had to voice my frustration.
Christmas was spent in a similar fashion. We were so lucky to have my grandparents come all the way from Oklahoma to be with us on Christmas for the 1st time in I don't know how many years. Madison had fun spending time with her Granny and PawPaw in real life rather then on e computer while Skyping! We did miss Madison's grandma Corrie though since she moved to Minnesota before Christmas. Luckily, we all have working phones and I'm trying to get her to get a Skype account set up.
The holidays were so much fun but had to be followed by some serious work on Hunter's bedroom. After disassembling the spare bedroom Kyle tore the whole room down to studs. With my 2nd family's help (Wayne and Justin Turner) they re-did the electrical, put insulation up, and drywalled. By thhe end of this weekend we should hopefully be painting the bedroom and putting the finishing touches on it. But my baby shower is this weekend too, so we'll see how much painting actually gets done.
Hunter update: he has been growing and kicking tons! I feel like he is bigger than Madison was however, I have only gained 10lbs so far. The Dr's are not too concerned but might do an ultrasound when I have 4 weeks left to make sure he looks like a good size. Again, he feels big, I look big, and Madison was no tiny baby (8lbs 4 oz). So, he's doing pretty good but wow, have I had heartburn like no other! I've gotten to the point where I barely sleep at night it's so bad. With that and other pregnancy complaints, I am definitely ready to have this baby! I don't mean to sound ungrateful because we feel so blessed with Hunter, I'm just getting to that uncomfortable part of pregnancy.
Madison update: Cliche to say, but she is just growing up so fast! The biggest thing is she is talking a lot! Everyday we can understand what she is saying more and more. I really cannot even list all of the words she knows. It is just incredible to actually be able to reason with her or have a short conversation with her. I don't know how much she understands it but every time we ask her about being a big sister or about baby Hunter, she points to my belly. It's pretty cute. Besides talking like crazy, she has also accomplished drinking out of a regular cup and successfully transitioned to a "big girl" bed with surprisingly no issues. We're working on the potty thing. She also LOVES dancing and singing. From he Mickey Mouse Clubhouse song to Country music and Dance music. Actually, as I'm sitting here typing this, she is singing the Brad Paisley and Carrie Underwood song "Remind Me" that is on the radio. Honestly, I'm just trying to type up a quick update and I just feel like I'm missing things about her. She seriously learns something new every day and is at such a fun age.
Anyway, I'll post some post baby shower pictures and pictures of the new nursery once it's done. I'll also post pictures of Madison's new bedroom motif once Kyle gets a chance to paint a new mural in there. Thank you everyone for being patient with me and for still reading this thing. I'll be sure to post again soon.
Our little Minnie Mouse on Halloween |
My mom, me, Madison, and my Grandma after church Christmas Eve |
A trip to Pismo after Christmas. The weather was great! |
Baby Hunter in there. |
Madison and her daddy walking down the beach throwing the frisbee for Charlie |
She did this all on her own |
Getting ready to read a bedtime story in her new bed. |
This is how Madison smiles for a camera EVERY time we ask her to. |