Madison in her Amish-made bonnet from Great-Granny |
I hope everyone has been enjoying their summer so far. We sure have been. Ever since we got back from our vacation, we've been having pretty lazy summer days that consist of hanging around the house and in our backyard. Actually, the other day was so hot that we took Madison through the sprinkler a few times. It was hilarious! She wasn't that into it at first, but after a few times of passing through it with me or Kyle she was cracking up. It was so fun and impromptu (none of us had swimsuits on) that we all had to come inside and change into dry clothes afterwards.
In the few moments that Kyle and I have been motivated, we've been working on our basement, as mentioned before. It's a lot of work, but it's definitely getting there.
Madison's 1st Happy Meal |
Let's see, we have done a few fun things since my last post though. We took Madison up to Tahoe for the day and gave her her 1st Happy Meal. Yes, I know it's by far not the healthiest lunch for a 16 month old, but we figured since she eats very healthy all the time, one Happy Meal from McDonald's wouldn't kill her. And Kyle was so excited about it. It was so cute. Anyway, we went to a little beach past Camp Richardson in South Lake Tahoe and spent a good few hours there. We ate lunch and lounged on the beach while Madison was playing with her sand buckets. It was just a fun day getting out of the house.
God-Parents on the left, Pastor, and Alex with his Mommy & Daddy |
Also, just cast weekend, I had the huge honor of being at one of my best friend's (Nikki Lingford) son's baptism as his God-mother. I really can't describe how that made me feel! We started off the morning at the church where little Alex got baptized in front of lots of family. Surprisingly, Madison stayed quiet the whole time with my mom-thank God for crayons and coloring books! After the ceremony, everyone went to the Lingord house for the whole after noon for food and cake. It was such a great time and I was actually able to get Madison down for a nap so we were able to stay longer.
Me, Madison, my mom, and my second mom (Alex's Grandma) |
So, that's what has been going on with us. Now, as described in the title, Madison has been talking a little! Well, let me clarify, she talks in her own language. For example, when you ask her to say "please" she responds with someone that sounds like "day." And "thank you" sounds pretty darn close with "tay tay". And of course she says momma, daddy, and bubba. Even though some of her words sound nothing like the real word, I'm still excited about it because she uses the same "her version" of the word every time. So there is consistency. :)
Anyway, hope this post finds everyone well and we'll be talking to you soon!
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