Well, it has happened.....Madison took her 1st steps tonight. Actually, let me re-phrase that. Yesterday, she took a shuffle step. But tonight she decided that crawling is over-rated and went for it. My mom and I were sitting across from each other with Madison in the middle when we decided to try the "walking drill" again between the two of us and she just went for it. At that moment, Kyle whipped out the video camera and started recording it. Of course, as soon as the camera came out, she was over it, but luckily for us, she started right back up in a few minutes and that is what this video clip is of. A little later, while we were in Madison's room, she was going at it again but this time she was even more sure of herself. She was holding onto a walking toy when she apparently decided to go give Charllie a kiss who was halfway across the room. She walked over to him, kissed him, let go of him and was just standing there like a standing pro. Then Charlie licked her square on the face and she still just stood there without getting knocked down. It was so amazing to see! A little bittersweet though because, all of a sudden, I got a flash that she is not going to be my baby much longer! It's exciting to open a new chapter in our lives but I now see why people say to enjoy every moment of that baby-hood because it flies by so amazingly fast!
In other developmental news, Madison also has gotten 2 teeth in 3 days! She is finally catching up with other babies her age with her 6 little teeth. At least I know now why we've been having such long nights lately!
We didn't get to make it to the zoo this week like we had planned (due to this unseasonably cold and rainy weather-we currently have a fire going in our house) but we got some house projects done. After being neglected last Spring (c'mon, we had a brand new baby!) our front yard has received a nice clean-up. Next week, the backyard! We also, FINALLY, finished our bathroom remodel. Here are some before and after pictures.
Before we even moved in. |
Our new shower. Tile done by Hoagland Tile (friends of ours). |
The new vanity and part of the new toilet |

To wrap up our crazy day today (I swear our life is usually very boring) Kyle and I decided to exchange anniversary gifts. Even though our anniversary isn't until Saturday (and we're not celebrating it until next week when Kyle's off work) Kyle talked me into exchanging gifts. He is so impatient! ;) It was definitely fun though. I pre-ordered a Limited Edition of Gears of War 3 for him (one of his favorite video games) and I got......let's just say 3 little things that came in 3 little blue gift bags labeled: Tiffany & Co.
Love you all and thanks for reading!
Ohhhhh! I looove that beautiful seafoam green bag that says Tiffanys and Co. on them! I got my pastors wife something from Tiffanys and I thought she was going to FAINT! Thank you for posting Madison walking!!!!!!!! Okay...I had the WEIRDEST dream last night..and it was about you. Remind me to tell you about it.
ReplyDeleteLol, I will definitely ask you about it!