Monday, November 30, 2009

It's A Girl!!

So, we went in for our 20 week ultrasound and the technician said she's about 80% sure that our little one is a girl. It was sort of hard to tell because, like a lady, she was sitting with her ankles crossed. More importantly however, she is completely healthy and is developing right on schedule. To be honest, I was looking forward to hearing that more than anything. The experience was so amazing though. We got a good look at her face for a while and could see her yawn and suck her thumb. She looked very relaxed in there with one arm behind her head (which is how I sleep :) ) and sucking her thumb. Kyle's reaction to see her little face was so cute. He was just amazed. It was so different from our first ultrasound at 9 weeks where the baby just looks like a blob of stuff; now we got to see eyes, a nose, a mouth-just incredible!

So, this will be a short blog entry, but before I wrap up with posting the pictures, a quick update: Kyle's dad and step-mom are doing good in Minnesota (thank you so much for your thoughts and prayers!) and the Mayo Clinic is really getting everything in line for a transplant. We still have a ways to go until he's healthy, but everything is finally heading in the right direction.

Also, I have another, regular, doctor's appt. on December 7 just to do a quick check=up. In fact, I believe after this one, we'll start moving into once every 2 week appt.'s rather than the once every 4 weeks right now. On top of that, Kyle and I will be leaving that same day for our baby-moon to Disneyland. We're so excited and I'll post some pictures once we get back. So, that about does it. I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving and here are some pictures...

1st Picture is of the baby's face. You can see it's eyes, nose, and mouth, and a little arm bringing her hand to her mouth.
2nd picture is a profile picture where you can see one of her feet.
3rd picture is looking up at her little butt and below that, you can see where her little feet are crossed.


Monday, November 9, 2009

18 Weeks Update

Wow. So much has happened since I last updated this blog. Well, I guess not a whole lot, but more than normal for my wonderfully routine life. I guess I'll start with Dr. stuff first. Just last week I went in for my routine check up, and the according to the Dr., everything looks perfect! The babies heart beat (which never ceases to amaze me when I hear it), my weight gain (thank God), blood pressure, everything! So, it was nice to know that my efforts of attempting to be healthy are definitely paying off. More exciting news, is that 2 weeks from tomorrow, we will, hopefully, be finding out the sex of the baby. I should say that at least this is when my next ultrasound is. Whether we find out if it's a little boy or girl in there, well, that's up to the baby. But we are super excited, either way, just to see how much it has changed since our first ultrasound at 9 weeks. Let me just say, that basically my entire family is split on whether they think it's a boy or girl. My mom is now convinced it's a girl because of 2 wives tale tests we've performed. So, we'll see. it will definitely be fun.

Over these past few weeks we also had my Aunt, her husband and her kids out from Oklahoma for over a week! It was super fun. We did all the fun touristy stuff around Placerville, Coloma, Apple Hill, and Tahoe. We had a blast and I think that they should move out here! :)

So, now I've saved the last 2 extra-exciting things for last. First, I want to thank all of you for your prayers and well wishes for Kyle's dad. He and his wife are now up in Minnesota where he will be receiving dialysis at the Mayo Clinic while waiting to get on the liver transplant list there. He's not out of the woods yet, so please keep your prayers and good thoughts going because they are working! He is at the best place he could possibly be right now and it is a relief to all of us that we're finally moving in the right direction of getting him better.

And for the last tid-bit of info--I felt the baby really, actually move today!! I've thought I have felt it twice before but it was a really light fluttering feeling so I couldn't be sure. But today, while I was sitting at work getting ready to go home, WOW! It felt like a little alien was doing somersaults in my lower belly. And it went on for like 5 minutes!! I was trying to keep from crying at my desk because it was the so unmistakable, so unbelievably amazing! I really am at a loss or words on how to explain it any further. All I can say is that it was the most amazing (and kinda the weirdest) thing I have ever felt in my entire life! Anyway, thank you all for reading this and I love you guys!!