Hello friends and family! Just thought I'd pop on here and fill everyone in on what's been going on with us. You'll have to forgive me: I am horrible at updating this blog. For good reason though ;) We have been busy with little projects around the house getting ready for the new baby. I am pleased to announce that our once disgustingly cluttered mess of a basement has turned into play-area, crafting area, and laundry area that is nice and neat. We painted the walls and concrete (so it's not so rough on Madison) and cleaned everything from top to bottom. Kyle is just finishing up some walls around our ancient furnace down there and that's about it. Madison LOVES the play area. My mom scored a great Fisher-Price desk at a garage sale so she has a little area to color, paint, etc plus other fun stuff. It'll be nice when we're cooped up during the winter because we can go down there for a little change of scenery. I didn't even think about it but I'll have to get a picture and post it. So, now we're moving onto our garage (which should only take a few days; just a little re-organizing) where most of our spare bedroom stuff is going to be stored. Speaking our spare bedroom, while I have free bits of time, I have been clearing it out and my goal is after Christmas (we have to keep the bed in there until then because my Grandparents are coming) it will be emptied and construction on a new nursery can begin. Whew...so much to do, but I feel like we're actually making pretty good headway.
When we haven't been working around the house, we've had a few little outings with Madison. We went to Apple Hill for the afternoon and went to one ranch that had a small petting zoo. It was so fun. Madison absolutely loves animals (she can't say a whole lot of words but man can she make each animal sound!). She was a little unsure of the sheep but loved petting the cow. After that farm, we met up with our friends Andy and Killian at High Hill for a little afternoon snack of Apple Pie. We also took Madison to the Sacramento Zoo and she actually felt comfortable enough to get out of her stroller and walk around with us. It was so cute to see her walking around like a big kid. And of course, every Saturday is usually spent by Madison, my mom and I shopping around looking for some good deals whether it be on groceries, Madison some winter clothes, or stocking up some Christmas presents. Sunday's, Madison and I go over to my mom's for dinner and Kyle gets over there as soon as he gets off work. It's a fun little routine.
We've also had the Shelton family over a few times but unfortunately, Madison was super sick during the twin girls birthday party. We just saw them this week though and it is so fun to watch the three of them play together. They're really the first little kids that Madison isn't too shy to play with. I even walked over to Madison and Emma to hear then talking away in there own little language. So cute!
In other news, Madison is a little sports girls. She didn't mind the World Series, but she absolutely loves football and the Packers :) Even without Kyle being home during Sunday, football is on all day at our house. And maybe by seeing her mommy and daddy do it a few times, Madison will take time out from playing to cheer or yell at the TV while football is on. It's pretty funny.
Madison is just growing and developing so fast it is insane and seeing it makes me realize I am going to appreciate every moment of "baby" time I get with the next one even more. I know it's a cliche, but they really do grow up so fast! Madison has started saying some more words such as "juice," "uh-oh," "thank you," and letter sounds like "O" and "S."
On the new baby front, I have my 21 week ultrasound on November 16th and if the baby is cooperative, we will hopefully see if we are having a boy or girl. So, that will probably be my next post in the blog. And now, I will leave you with some pictures of our adventures and I just uploaded some video clips to my facebook, so you can look them up on my facebook page.
Our miniature Packer fan |
Kangaroo girl at the zoo |
She didn't want to leave the river otter exhibit at the zoo. |
Kyle helped her reach over to pet the cow. |
The 2 people I love most in the world. |
Madison at the pumpkin patch. |
Madison and Killian playing at High Hill. |
Madison and Emma checking out books. |
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